Welcome to u7buy - the ultimate destination for buying and selling All Star Tower Defense items! Explore a diverse selection of in-game treasures and resources available for purchase, or convert your virtual assets into real-world currency by securely selling them on our platform. U7buy is an independent place with competitive prices and a trusted community of gamers. We're dedicated to providing a unique space forAll Star Tower Defense enthusiasts to trade. Join us today to immerse yourself in the excitement of buying and selling within the All Star Tower Defense world!

All Star Tower Defense – Brief Introduction

All Star Tower Defense is a very popular Rbl game, it is like the other tower defense games. On Rbl All Star Defense, players use money to place down or upgrade the towers to defend from incoming enemy troops. The game is played in a round-based format. Players can get 500 coins at the beginning of the game, they can use them to buy units and place them in the lineup. Players can get money by killing enemies, completing a wave, or from special towers. When enemies reach the end of the path and the base health reaches zero, the players will lose, otherwise, they win, and they can get coins, EXP, and gems. Players can use coins and gems to summon new towers and use EXP to level up the character. On ASTD, each character can be divided into Air, Hybrid, Single, Support, and Ground Units. Players can win the match by using units of all types and try to learn about the abilities of all the characters. If players want to gain some new units on ASTD, they can use Gem, Gold Summon, or trading. There are three game modes on ASTD, Story Mode, Infinite Mode, and PVP Mode. Different modes need different tactics. Players can carefully study the tactics and protect the base.

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