Why it doesn't work when submitting details
When meeting this case, we need to know the details of Doesn't Work, if your account has any problem, there will be hint for every incorrect details. Then you can resubmit it when you are ready again.
If there is something wrong during the verification, it's fine to go back to the Get Coins page and try again as it says.
For examples:
The tips showed: Verification is processing, Please try again in 5 minutes. It means you can only submit information once in five minutes. Therefore, you need to wait 5 minutes and try again.
The tips showed: Please sign out FUT on your console/PC by backing out of the FUT mode to the main FIFA Menu.Then try withdraw again in 5-30Mins. You should keep the FUT game offline and try to submit your information again in 5-30Mins because there is delay to log in Web APP after you signed out your console.
The tips showed: Verification failed because of bad connection, please try again 5 minutes later. It means this verification failed due to network reasons. Please verify again in five minutes
The tips showed: Please clear the unassigned items, and/or send items to your Club to make sure there is enough space on transfer list, then withdraw again. It means your transfer/unassigned list is full and you need to leave enough space before submitting again.
The tips showed: Your Verificaiton failed, please try again 5 minutes later. It means this verification failed and you can try again in five minutes.
If the error happens multipe times, please feel free to contact U7BUY customer service.
You can watch the Video to learn about it:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ki-kryZYO8