Unfortunately not, ALL coins delivery is made on Web App, not only on our website, it works the same way on any other coins store. You can get the market open by playing games though.


Play 3 full matches in FUT Mode and log into Web App or Companion APP within a calendar day. Normally, keep playing 2 active days would get unlocked. But you share your device with your friends who also play FUT games, it may take 4 active days or more days. So it depends on the number of FUT accounts used on a device.

You can watch the Video to learn about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEqjFhEO32U

With your second FUT account, on the other hand, a little more diligence and discipline is required, because here it often takes about 7-10 days and 20-25 FUT Ultimate Team games until you have unlocked the transfer market on the Web App.